It’s time for a new rhyme! Check out the latest spread from Do You Know What I Am? below. Or, check out the all the completed pages in the virtual book right here!
Thanks to everyone for the all the comments, links to the project, and friendly emails!
Below is the latest spread from my Rhyme Book project! I've also added this spread in the handy 'virtual book'! Be sure to check it out if you haven't already!
Hey everybody! I've pieced the completed Rhyme Book pages together into an online 'virtual book'. I'll keep adding the new pages as I complete them...Check it out here!I've also posted the latest spread below! Stay tuned for more!
You may notice I've adjusted the format a bit and I've also posted a whole spread rather than a single page. I think I'll post them this way from now on.
Also, I've got a fair bit of this project complete, but I don't have a title yet! I guess I'd better get on that soon! Any suggestions are welcome!
Hey everyone! Below is the sixth page of the rhyme book!
I'm afraid I still don't have a title. Any suggestions are welcome! There may be a bit of a delay on the next page as Barb and I will be on the road for the next couple weeks!
Below is an invite for a Birthday, Birthday, Birthday, Engagement, Going Away, Bon Voyage party my flat mates are throwing, here in Auckland. It should be a blast!
Needing to get a new sketchbook last week, I thought “I should try a Moleskine…just to see if they are as good as people say.” So, I bought a small one. I gotta say, the paper is pretty nice, it has a handy pocket in the back, and looks great. However, they are rather expensive I thought.
While looking online for other’s opinions about Moleskines I came across this exhibition of 70 Moleskines by artists, designers, architects, illustrators, and writers. Check out the videos of all the sketchbooks!
I’ve wanted to illustrate a children’s book for a long time. However, publishers aren’t beating down my door to give me the gig! So, after being inspired by Steve Mack’s Alphabet Book and Count Along with Me projects, I thought I’d develop my own! While I don’t have a title, the idea is to develop a fun, cool-looking book of rhymes. Kids will be presented with three named objects/animals which rhyme, then get to guess what the fourth is. Yay! What fun!
It will also be great way to generate images to post here on my blog. (I’ve been posting rather irregularly since moving to New Zealand.)
I plan to post pages and spreads about once a week. So, come back often!As for publishing the book, I’ll play that by ear. I’ll see what the response is like here on the blog (if any) and go from there. Right now I just want to have fun with this project! Below is the first page. I appreciate any feedback or suggestions! Enjoy!
This week, I thought I would post an image which is a rework of a project from a few years ago. I found a concept sketch, which was never used and polished it up a bit.
I’ve been thinking lately how I miss reading comic books. I used to spend SO much time and money buying, studying and drawing comics.
I first got hooked on comics at Steve’s house, reading ‘A Death in the Family’ - the storyline in which Robin is killed. In 2002, I pretty much stopped ‘cold turkey’. (It was easy. I was totally broke.) I’ve never really got back into buying them.
Since I’m living half a world away from my comic collection at the moment, it has been a long while since I read any of them. It’s been even longer since drew anything related to comics. So, I thought I’d pump out a Batman image. My style has changed a lot, but he’s still fun to draw!