Hey everybody!
I’ve wanted to illustrate a children’s book for a long time. However, publishers aren’t beating down my door to give me the gig! So, after being inspired by Steve Mack’s Alphabet Book and Count Along with Me projects, I thought I’d develop my own!
While I don’t have a title, the idea is to develop a fun, cool-looking book of rhymes. Kids will be presented with three named objects/animals which rhyme, then get to guess what the fourth is. Yay! What fun!
It will also be great way to generate images to post here on my blog. (I’ve been posting rather irregularly since moving to New Zealand.)
I plan to post pages and spreads about once a week. So, come back often! As for publishing the book, I’ll play that by ear. I’ll see what the response is like here on the blog (if any) and go from there. Right now I just want to have fun with this project!
Below is the first page. I appreciate any feedback or suggestions! Enjoy!
© 2007 Chad Geran Click image for a larger view