I was honoured to be asked to participate in the Southern Saskatchewan Chapter of the Society of Graphic Designers of Canada and Not Nowhere's collaborative, fundraising poster project, "13".
Thirteen Saskatchewan Photographers and thirteen Saskatchewan Designers were asked to develop a poster which explored the subject of "13".
I was very fortunate to get the chance to work with photographer Andrew Hudyma.
Before I started developing ideas for the poster I knew that I wanted to keep Andrew's photo completely intact. This meant I wouldn't retouch the photo, crop it, change the colours, or apply any filters.
As an unexpected result of this rule I made for myself, both Andrew's photograph and the elements I created for the poster design work well independently. However, I like to think together they create a poster which is greater than the sum of its parts.
Andrew's photo:
My design:
The final poster:
You can check out the rest of the poster designs here.