Friday, August 30, 2013

Work/Life 3

I'm pretty excited to be part of Work/Life 3: the UPPERCASE directory of illustration. This edition's theme is "An Illustrated Life" in which participants explore the good (and the not-so-good) aspects of working in illustration. Each illustrator offers their unique take on this theme and have created an original illustration specific to their interests and their life, based on a custom assignment from UPPERCASE editor Janine Vangool.

My assignment was based on a comment I made during my interview with Janine.

You wrote, “Having a son put a schedule and structure into our lives.” How else has he changed you? Create a humorous illustration showing how your child is in charge of your life.

During my concept development process I wrote in my sketchbook, "In my house, Brin is the centre of the universe." You can see my execution of this idea is below. Better yet, check out all the illustrators' work by getting yourself a copy of Work/Life 3!